Monday, November 17, 2008

A New Beginning ... Again

So, it seems like I'm starting one of these blogs about once a month. And then I published about two posts, and I forget about it.

But, I think it's time for me to make a commitment.

I am finally going to write regularly in this blog -- I promise.

The content will be primarily sports, but I may throw in some other things as well.

I decided to get back into this blogging business because I really do miss my absurd musings on sports that were somehow published when I was in college. I just haven't had the same chance of creativity at the Blairsville Bugler. So, I hope you enjoy this blog, and I would love to get a regular following of readers.

P.s. I tried to come up with some new super sweet blog title, but I ended up just going with the name of the column I had for one semester at The Penn. Oh well. I doubt I could do any better.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

How about There...I Said It for a title.